Monday, November 15, 2004

New Live should have hard commitment

Today I'll try to finish my stuff related to Bank or Doctorate Office or
they don't pay my scholarship. By the way poor me, because they will pay me
3 weeks later, it means I should be survive with my own money until next
months (imagine every beginning of months we should pay for house rent
around 225Euro hahaha sooo big)

I come for study whatever will be its ok. I should be faced it with/without

Today I'm feeling so miss my own Indonesian Environment
I miss you all Sistel'ers n DIVUSI'ers, hiks....
All experience I got from that environment, and today I should face another
environment lonely. I always ask them to help me if I meet some difficulties
and today I should solve it alone.

Wake up YUDIS ... let's run, take any opportunity or you'll be loose it.

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