Thursday, November 11, 2004

My First time go to EUROPE


Finally, I get my connection to my world...INTERNET

Kalo orang bilang di eropa semua yang berbau dengan IT mudah tapi kayaknya ndak berlaku untuk kasusku. Karena dah minggu ke-2 aku di Italy baru aku dapet koneksi ke dunia-ku.

Btw thanks for Sebastian Perisi and Paolo Giorgini, they make this process faster than usually, because I'm the first student get Internet Connection.

At this time I get my apartement with Alireza (guy from Iran), and only share-room but it's quite cheap if its compare with in the others.
I'm still missing my environement in Bandung, STO in Jakarta, and Operation Room in ATC-Polonia and Tubagus III/10 and others....... hiks...hiks...


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