Tuesday, January 25, 2005

True freedom

Why Indonesia loose the beauty for Tourism?

Maybe my conclusion isn't valid enough, because I haven't traveled around
Indonesia. Some days ago, I went to some place in Italy (Venice, Florence,
and Pisa). I met there is so many people from around the world (also
Italian) for spend holiday there.
I can see how the government and citizen try to conserve the old building.
Because of there are so many old buildings in good condition. I can feel:
1. Old path and city architecture
2. Water canal
3. Old church
They are so unique... maybe you can't see that kind of situation in
other place in the world.
How about Indonesia? Where is the place for Culture Conservation? Every old
kingdom had so many sites, artifacts, and unique city architecture and
building. Where they are now?
In Jakarta-Old city? (these days those places are very awful; you can see
Jakarta Kota Station, Priok, the old building of Indonesian Central Bank)
In Surabaya? (Maybe 20 years ago, they are very important for Business
Center, but where is the uniqueness of Tunjungan Street? Only Orange Hotel
[now, Majapahit Hotel] is still exist in retro condition, but the others are
not, hiks..)

Refer to my statement that I see Italian goes to Florence to see artifacts
in Museum. Hahahaha When do we go to Museum for the last time? Months ago?
Years ago? Hahaha I also forget when the last time I went to go to Museum
So it means I doesn't has enough respect to my culture or the other
ours (like mountain, beach, etc). How about you, guys? I hope I'm the worst
Indonesian to do that.

Security and Comfort are the main thing for foreign people.
Which public transportation can go and arrived on time?
What kind of inside city transportation is comfort for us? [Maybe only Blue
Bird Taxi, because even Taxi, you can smell smoke in the car, sometime the
driver will rob you]. How about bus way? Subway? Metromini? Hahahaha --no

Enough.. for grumbling

May be we can't solve all the problems, but at least we should do something
to minimize those problems.
Let say:
Tried to start knowing, good Indonesian place for vacation
Tried not smoking in public place

Let's make it real...
Maybe, we can't become a big nation like US, Germany, French, etc. in the
But I think we should have a dream becoming big and important nation.

The true freedoms are only in mind and dream
So do it, There is nothing wrong has that kind of dream.
And let's try to reach our dream, become big nation hahahaha

Please stop our proud about the old history like Sriwijaya, Majapahit, etc
Just give them respect, learn about their success.

Wake up and Make it real.
I wish dream come true.


Anonymous said...

Well, the differences between us and European country are:
1. The beauty of Indonesia is created by God. You can see the prove from the beautiful scenery of Bali, Lombok, Bunaken, Jaya wijaya mountain, and many other mountains, and even ini Aceh, we have a very beautiful under water objects.. Although some of our tourism sites are made of human, such as Borobudur & Prambanan -- I've been there once, and I like being there so much.
2. The beauty of European country, is mostly gotten from human-created-objects, such as museums, churches, festivals, even the wellknown Keukenhof is arranged by people/government. Although I must admit that the scenery of Alpen is the most beautiful scenery I've every seen in my life..

Anonymous said...

Gua setuju kita jangan terjebak dengan sejarah kejayaan bangsa Indonesia masa lalu. Sayangnya sejak kecil kita diajarkan bahwa bangsa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang kaya, segala kebutuhan hidup kita bisa terpenuhi dengan sendirinya, kita punya kolam susu selautan, tongkat kayu di tanam bisa tumbuh jadi makanan (singkong), gemah ripah loh jenawi. Padahal, bangsa Indonesia ini sekarang adalah bangsa miskin...pada tahun 2002 saja setiap bayi lahir sudah menanggung hutang sebanyak 7,5 juta rupiah...
Kita sering mengandalkan hasil export minyak yang paling banyak menghasilkan devisa, tapi sekarang ini kenyataannya, Indonesia sudah terhitung net importer minyak...artinya hasil produksi minyak mentahnya termasuk kondensat dikurangi bagian kontraktor migas, hasilnya lebih kecil dari jumlah kebutuhan minyak terutama BBM di dalam negeri...
Mungkin dengan menyadari kalau negara kita ini negara miskin, kita jadi lebih terpacu untuk memperjuangkan kemajuan bangsa kita.

Anonymous said...

Well, what's ur own dream(s) then, Yud ?
